Credo di averti incrociato stamattina al sagittario.
Io stavo andando via con il 250 insieme a 2 amici con 2 yamaha blu.
Dalle colorazioni la moto che stava sul carrello mi è sembrata la tua.
Mi è dispiaciuto non potermi fermare per conoscerci e fare 4 chiacchiere ma stavo già in ritardissimo.
Sarà per un altra volta
Iniziato da gianluis23, Jun 29 2014 12:57
2 risposte a questa discussione
Inviato 29 June 2014 - 12:57
"OK, yes it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake, but there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say 'yep, that was a mistake.' So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you'd go your whole life not knowing if something is a mistake or not. And dammit, I've made no mistakes! I've done all of this; my life, my relationship, my career, mistake-free. Does any of this make sense to you?"
Inviato 29 June 2014 - 15:56
ha ancora la punto prima serie scatarrante??
Inviato 29 June 2014 - 21:58
Ho riconosciuto solo la moto sul carrello.
La macchina non saprei dire nemmeno di che colore era.
La macchina non saprei dire nemmeno di che colore era.
"OK, yes it's a mistake. I know it's a mistake, but there are certain things in life where you know it's a mistake but you don't really know it's a mistake because the only way to really know it's a mistake is to make the mistake and look back and say 'yep, that was a mistake.' So really, the bigger mistake would be to not make the mistake, because then you'd go your whole life not knowing if something is a mistake or not. And dammit, I've made no mistakes! I've done all of this; my life, my relationship, my career, mistake-free. Does any of this make sense to you?"
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