two years after ! Lots of things appened... I've repaired my engine, it works fine, and now with 7th gears
and for the technigas, i've aborted the idea... looking for something else.
I spend $$ for getting out the bearings, but it should have to check the crankshaft before... Totally dead !
on this picture the motor si still in 6th gear, i've changed after ( i've bought the table just for the rebuild of my engine ^^ )
I've also changed my front brake, for a nissin from a 650 raptor... IT F*** brakes !
Here you have my bike, with an Mito 1 pipe, which is now dead, that's the reason while i'm looking for another exhaust.
SO, next steps:
_ change brake pads ( front bought )
_ change brake lines ( in progress)
_ drain my fork( in progress )
_ find a new-old exhaust, cause mine is dead and HEAVY. I spend lot of time in ^^
_boyesen or vforce, depends of the exhaust founded
_keep 28mm or find 35mm, depends of the exhaust founded.
I have one question, where do you find brand new air filter? in france it's just impossible
To finish, i don't post a lot in your forum, but i spend a lot of time with google traduction for transletting hundreds of topic, cause here your have a real knowledge about cagiva !