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Ktmito 380

111 risposte a questa discussione

#21 Jeram


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  • 54 Messaggi:
  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
  • Provincia: Other Country
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Inviato 11 April 2011 - 13:34

while we wait for front engine mounts to arrive we got some pro photo-shopping done :P

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Messaggio modificato da Jeram il 11 April 2011 - 13:37

#22 bird92

    Master of Mitos

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Inviato 11 April 2011 - 13:36

but this bike needs an only-track use! :Q__

Messaggio modificato da bird92 il 11 April 2011 - 13:36

Voglia di sporcarsi un po' le mani...
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- L'Italiana da pista e - La stradale d'importazione

#23 Loki


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Inviato 12 April 2011 - 21:45

ma infatti è solo pista bird

nice pic jerom

Visualizza Messaggiodragonball, il Apr 4 2011, 10:15 AM, ha scritto:

Chi ha montato un TM K8 su Mito (di Mito c'era solo il telaio) ? Presente.
Dove é finito il prototipo ? Nella cesta del "ruffo" subito dopo averlo acceso,poteva andare bene a un dentista per togliere le otturazioni.
Chi ha montato un KTM 300 su una Mito ? Presente. Usata dal proprietario 2 volte e successivamente cestinata....ooops si é rotto canotto del telaio,in più nn andava,le curve nn le faceva.....secondo me proprio non vale perdere tempo con qst trapianti dopo aver visto che a LeLuc sverniciavamo regolarmente i Mito Supermono (da barboni, vabbé) con i nostri 125 cc rigorosamente con blocco motore Cagiva.

Invece ho visto un Hiro da Cross montato su un Gilera KZ nella vecchia salita Forno-Milani di una quindicina di anni fà,nn era per nulla male in salita.
cito un messaggio dell'altro giorno di dragonball
più che citarlo non so far altro però...chissà se quel problema toccherà anche a Jerom

Messaggio modificato da dallarace il 12 April 2011 - 21:47

#24 bird92

    Master of Mitos

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  • Moto: Mito EV
  • Provincia: Palermo (PA)
  • Regione: Sicilia

Inviato 12 April 2011 - 22:19

bha speriamo di no, chissà. Non conosco dragonball, ma sembra uno che non dice cazz*te. comunque io ho visto fari e tutto, quindi che solo pista?
Voglia di sporcarsi un po' le mani...
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- L'Italiana da pista e - La stradale d'importazione

#25 Loki


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Inviato 12 April 2011 - 23:19

è solo pista certo
a pagina uno c'è la foto reale della carena

Messaggio modificato da dallarace il 12 April 2011 - 23:35

#26 bird92

    Master of Mitos

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  • Moto: Mito EV
  • Provincia: Palermo (PA)
  • Regione: Sicilia

Inviato 13 April 2011 - 12:02

ma il motore ktm non ha i carter che sbattono contro le carene? in questo caso, visto che ha colorato i carter che sono bellissimi, al posto di allargare le carene, non potrebbe tagliar via il profilo corrispondente ai carter in modo tale che sporgano? sarebbero fighissimi... no?
Voglia di sporcarsi un po' le mani...
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- L'Italiana da pista e - La stradale d'importazione

#27 GILERA95


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  • Moto: SuperMotard
  • Provincia: Varese (VA)
  • Regione: Lombardia

Inviato 14 May 2011 - 19:58


#28 Jeram


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  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
  • Provincia: Other Country
  • Regione: Other Country

Inviato 23 May 2011 - 13:40

if your asking whether the engine will protrude out from the side of the fairings?

it wont, the KTM engine is much smaller than the mito engine :biggrinthumb:

we are just trying to get the engine in the frame right now.


#29 Jeram


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  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
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Inviato 24 August 2011 - 05:26

We managed over the weekend to get the engine mounts about 80% done which is a great milestone.
the motor now sits in the frame without any assistance and the motor is nicely held in place considering that none of the bolts are torqued up yet.

the mounts are made from 3mm mild steel flat bar, the bolts are all high tensile structural 8.8 and 10.9 grade, whch really is needed due to the high consequences if there ever was a failure.

the engine mounts have been thought out and designed over the past 9 months, and we have been collaborating with many old skool chassis gurus to find the best possible solution for reducing vibrations.
If any of those guys are reading, you know who you are, thanks!
and I say old skool because new bikes dont vibrate like they used to!

we settled on using a combination of dampeners from a Harley Davidson and skate board bushes and have found them to work splendidly.

we now just need to weld some thin flat bar around the mounts to 'box them up' to reduce side-to-side flexure.

this really will be a 'suck it and see' we wont know if it will work untill we start up the bike, if it doesnt work, it will just be a matter of finding where the vibrations are getting though and fix it

once everything is perfect and working, Ill send it off to the powdercoaters of have it plastic dipped to give it a better look.
I considered getting them CNC'd but theres no point wasting hundreds of dollars on bling thats going to be hidden under the fairing, all they need to do is work!

Top view, top end installed.
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dampener in machined shell
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We managed to get the wheel and chain aligned so that the brembo rear caliper can have its bracket made up
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finished mounts with dampeners, just needs some spacers made and the hanging mounts need to be boxed to increase side to side rigidity.

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New shock ordered :asd:
Nitron Race Spec shock with preload, high and low speed adjusters, ride height adjustment and set up for my weight and the bikes weight. :asd:
it cost me a bit even with mates rates deal from the UK supplier, but will be well worth it.

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If anyone wants my Maxton adjustable shock that has been adapted to fit the mito, send me a PM because its going cheap.

more updates comming soon :asd:

Messaggio modificato da Jeram il 24 August 2011 - 05:33

#30 Jeram


  • Membri Effettivi
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  • 54 Messaggi:
  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
  • Provincia: Other Country
  • Regione: Other Country

Inviato 24 August 2011 - 05:40

Could some one fluent in both italian and english please properly translate the above quote

"Usata dal proprietario 2 volte e successivamente cestinata....ooops si é rotto canotto del telaio,in più nn andava,le curve nn le faceva .....secondo me proprio non vale perdere tempo con qst trapianti dopo aver visto che a LeLuc sverniciavamo regolarmente i Mito Supermono (da barboni, vabbé) con i nostri 125 cc rigorosamente con blocco motore Cagiva. Invece ho visto un Hiro da Cross montato su un Gilera KZ nella vecchia salita Forno-Milani di una quindicina di anni fà,nn era per nulla male in salita"

is he saying there is someone with a KTM300 mito?
any more info on it?

also is he saying the frame snapped from the torque?
Iv never seen that happen on a mito before, Id imagine that it is from the vibrations creating cracks in the frame welds which is why I spent nearly a year designing mounts that will elimate the vibrations.

#31 Jeram


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  • 54 Messaggi:
  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
  • Provincia: Other Country
  • Regione: Other Country

Inviato 24 August 2011 - 05:40

Could some one fluent in both italian and english please properly translate the above quote

"Usata dal proprietario 2 volte e successivamente cestinata....ooops si é rotto canotto del telaio,in più nn andava,le curve nn le faceva .....secondo me proprio non vale perdere tempo con qst trapianti dopo aver visto che a LeLuc sverniciavamo regolarmente i Mito Supermono (da barboni, vabbé) con i nostri 125 cc rigorosamente con blocco motore Cagiva. Invece ho visto un Hiro da Cross montato su un Gilera KZ nella vecchia salita Forno-Milani di una quindicina di anni fà,nn era per nulla male in salita"

is he saying there is someone with a KTM300 mito? the only one Ive seen was pete247 from 125ccsportsbikes but he stopped and put the engine back in his supermoto.
is there another one? any more info on it?

also is he saying the frame snapped from the torque?
Iv never seen that happen on a mito before, Id imagine that it is from the vibrations creating cracks in the frame welds which is why I spent nearly a year designing mounts that will elimate the vibrations.

Messaggio modificato da Jeram il 24 August 2011 - 05:42

#32 Maicol

    Io ho visto X-Hide

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Inviato 24 August 2011 - 11:23

Visualizza MessaggioJeram, il Aug 24 2011, 06:40 AM, ha scritto:

Could some one fluent in both italian and english please properly translate the above quote

"Usata dal proprietario 2 volte e successivamente cestinata....ooops si é rotto canotto del telaio,in più nn andava,le curve nn le faceva .....secondo me proprio non vale perdere tempo con qst trapianti dopo aver visto che a LeLuc sverniciavamo regolarmente i Mito Supermono (da barboni, vabbé) con i nostri 125 cc rigorosamente con blocco motore Cagiva. Invece ho visto un Hiro da Cross montato su un Gilera KZ nella vecchia salita Forno-Milani di una quindicina di anni fà,nn era per nulla male in salita"

is he saying there is someone with a KTM300 mito? the only one Ive seen was pete247 from 125ccsportsbikes but he stopped and put the engine back in his supermoto.
is there another one? any more info on it?

also is he saying the frame snapped from the torque?
Iv never seen that happen on a mito before, Id imagine that it is from the vibrations creating cracks in the frame welds which is why I spent nearly a year designing mounts that will elimate the vibrations.
Yeah Jearm,

"Used from the owner for a couple of times and then thrown away...ooops the steering frame was broken, then wasn't so powerful, and it can't turn...for me isn't a great businness wasting time with this trasformation after seeing our 125 cc Mito (with original Cagiva engine block) regularly wins against the SuperMono Mito (cheap one, but...) on LeLuc track. I've seen a Hiro Cross on a Gilera KZ on the old climbing race of Forno-Milani about 15 years ago, it was good!

Sorry for the translation, but i'm running out of time and i must hurry up :biggrinthumb:

Firma W.I.P.

Passare per ignorante agli occhi di un imbecille è voluttà da finissimo buongustaio

The Power of Dreams...

#33 Jeram


  • Membri Effettivi
  • StellettaStelletta
  • 54 Messaggi:
  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
  • Provincia: Other Country
  • Regione: Other Country

Inviato 24 August 2011 - 14:45

thanks buddy.... thats much easier to understand than google translate...

google mentioned something about boats in its translation haha

yeah, I agree a tuned cagiva mito can in most cases beat a basic 4T supermono, its also great for going around the outside of squids on 1198's and gsxr's

But I wouldnt be betting on it passing my bike :biggrinthumb:

#34 {mRk}


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  • Moto: Mito EV
  • Provincia: Trieste (TS)
  • Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Inviato 07 September 2011 - 22:48

Visualizza MessaggioJeram, il Aug 24 2011, 06:26 AM, ha scritto:


New shock ordered :asd:
Nitron Race Spec shock with preload, high and low speed adjusters, ride height adjustment and set up for my weight and the bikes weight. :biggrinthumb:
it cost me a bit even with mates rates deal from the UK supplier, but will be well worth it.

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This is the Nitron NTBKM02R?
NO PM per consulenze tecniche, grazie! La critica è l'imposta che l'invidia percepisce sul merito (Cit.Duca de Levis) Chi sa fa e chi non sa insegna (proverbio)
We never did such tests. And we never had sophisticated instruments. 'Try and see' was always used. And no simulations! (CIT. Jan Thiel)

#35 Jeram


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  • Iscritto il: 18-August 10
  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
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Inviato 06 October 2011 - 05:52

Yeah thats the one...

From the nitron website.

"The NTR Race shock is designed for more serious riders, and as such incorporates high and low speed compression control valves for further fine tuning of setup, perfect for race bikes and very high performance road use. As with the NTR Track, this 3-way adjustable shock has a remote reservoir that is mounted by a 360deg swiveling hose onto the main shock body and reservoir canister.

The shock features spring preload as well as shock length adjustment. It comes preset for damping and preload, and includes the bearing end spacers, spring and preload c-spanner.

When ordering please include your weight and the bike's primary use (i.e. road and / or track) in the notes so we can specify the optimum spring rate."

#36 {mRk}


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  • Moto: Mito EV
  • Provincia: Trieste (TS)
  • Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia

Inviato 06 October 2011 - 08:12

Thank you. In Italy this product is not known.
I read that in England is much used for Aprilia RS250 and Suzuki RGV250.
NO PM per consulenze tecniche, grazie! La critica è l'imposta che l'invidia percepisce sul merito (Cit.Duca de Levis) Chi sa fa e chi non sa insegna (proverbio)
We never did such tests. And we never had sophisticated instruments. 'Try and see' was always used. And no simulations! (CIT. Jan Thiel)

#37 bubagan

    Master of Mitos

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  • Interests:La mia mito e poco altro che non dico!
  • Moto: Mito EV
  • Provincia: Palermo (PA)
  • Regione: Sicilia

Inviato 06 October 2011 - 19:24

well done jeram, i used the bitubo wxm11 on my special bike with the rd350 engine, it has the same adjustments as yours Nitro rear shock absorber. i presume that it will be difficult to get the right set-up either way, because your bike is very powerful and both very low-weight. in track use i still have to understand how to set-up well my bitubo rear shock, i believe it requires an harder spring...

we're anxious to see the giant expansion chamber! :D

#38 Jeram


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  • Moto: Mito SP525 Pista
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Inviato 22 October 2011 - 02:00


I dont think it will be so hard to get the suspension set up, one of my mates was trained by racetech suspension!

with the extra power I will just have to increase the low speed dampening, but the front sprocket has been set at the perfect height so that is will not cause the rear suspension to become unsettled under power :)

I am hoping to work on the bike alot over the December-March period.
I might fly up to Newcaste a few times to get this bike finished.

things to do to finish the bike
1. get the engine mounts CNC'd in Aluminium (weve got a mate who works in CNC shop now!)
2. expansion chamber
3. rear subframe
4. electrics
5. finish top end of engine
6. get rear brake sorted out (CNC'd)
7. brake lines
8. airbox and ram aim
9. make aluminium bungs/covers for the engine (to fill the kick starter hole and the powervalve shaft hole)
10. start her up!

should be able to get all of that done this summer!

and in the time in between I am working on a 50hp CRM250AR supermoto project in my garage haha
(just need to finish of the top end (overbored 2005 CR250, and make a SuperKart spec pipe)
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#39 Tallus


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Inviato 22 October 2011 - 19:13

Heh Great job Jeram. I see in your work a lot of passion that's very cool. Please tell me how old are you? AND WHERE THE HELL YOU HAVE THE MONEY FOR IT ALL PARTS!? :biggrinthumb: xd

#40 s3al

    Mitomane Tosto

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  • Provincia: Palermo (PA)
  • Regione: Sicilia

Inviato 23 October 2011 - 14:16


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